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Category: Life

Why is everything so ''modern'' now??

What happened to having fun? What happened to our ''promised future''? Everything is so bland and boring now. Everything was colorful and glossy before. Now it's all bland and oversimplified shit everywhere. What happened to alternative stores? Hot topic now became soft AF with ''trendy'' shit. What happened to it being a store for alternative people? I hate how the world is trying so hard to be modern it's so boring. I especially hate nowadays teenagers, they try so hard to fit in by being the most basic mfs you've ever seen, then they have the audacity to judge others.

 Society and everything is ''modern'' now, and it's BORING.

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Neurotic Rat

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I feel the exact same way. That spark Of life just isn't there anymore, and it's not even the nostalgia talking. The World is just so isolated, nobody wants to talk to each other, nobody wants to stand out. Its a bunch of conformity. A lot of it is due to rising technology, but tech isn't the only thing to blame. We as a people just forgot how to live

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This is so true!! People nowadays are so influenced by trends and social media they forget how to socialize and be kind. They're so mean now.

by Zyxx; ; Report