My growing hate for cell phones


For starters, in the past year or two I started to dislike how modern phones are made to retain our attention and exploit dopamine receptors (as someone with ADHD, it has really ruined my life). This started to turn into hatred mainly because of two incidents that happened recently. 

The first one was at the end of october, I was travelling for school (biology student moment) and my battery decided to almost die when we were coming back (we went to another state to collect samples), it was the most nerve wrecking eight-nine hours. I was unable to listen to music, communicate with my parents or anything. 
The second one happened a week ago, on my way to the faculty, my phone fell from my pocket. They make them so light and slim that I didn't notice (adding that I was surviving on two hours of sleep max), until the music stopped playing (I was listening to "And Nothing Is Forever" by The Cure, what a great song). So, I used my lap to track my device. After almost having a meltdown, the phone was recovered. 

But these really made me HATE how reliant we are on our phones, I wish having one was a choice and not something you need to have.

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SlimeyAndGross's profile picture

I wrote this essay for my English class a couple weeks ago, I think you'd like it in terms of what you're talking about in this blog! Let me know what you think!

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I just finished reading it, the way you covered the subject was great and to the point. Made me think of things I hadn't consider, like the part about how, apparently, we are the least sexualy active generation. There's too much to unpack about how we live in a "hyper-communication era", but we form less meaningful connectios with people around us.
Congrats on your essay, I'm open to discuss more about the topic!!

by Delusional7CoffeeChaosHat; ; Report

Yuchae Moon

Yuchae Moon's profile picture

I feel the same. Life was simple and less stressful before I owned a phone. I admit it made me procrastinate more.

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Ikr? I'm having nostalgia for when phones where only used to make and receive calls (and I hate calls lmao)

by Delusional7CoffeeChaosHat; ; Report