you know what? i'm so fucking fed up of this all.
hypersensitive individuals encourage soulless, obviously corporate "talk" as it's "not controversial." they've been fucking brainwashed to think that.
edgelords try to "be rebellious and edgy" by being a total dickhead everywhere they go for no reason.
corporates are gigantic, collossal creatures, with a plastic, fake "human" mask to cover it all up. behind that, they're grotesque, full of wires, veins, muscles, bones, claws, all with that manipulation, exploitation, and other bullshit behind it.
we aren't fucking human to them. we are just a fucking number to them. and that's not the only fucking disgusting part.
they fucking brainwash people from childhood to be like this.
how fucking invasive they are, no privacy, insane data collection (and selling), exploitation of children, manipulation to "keep you engaged as long as possible," trying to force as many ads down your throat to sell you more junk, overpricing everything... the list goes on. it's fucking abyssmal.
and guess what? people just call people like me "conspiracy theorists" or worse, which ironically shows how brainwashed THEY are too.\
that's my huge fucking rant/vent. but it's fucking true.
ccaaaannn'''tttt wwwaaaaiiittt uunntttiiilll mmyyy ccchhhiiillldddd'''ssss ssschhoooolliingggg iisss pppoooowwweeerrreeedddd bbbbyyyy MMMeeettttaaaaa ooorrrr GGGooooggggllleeeee (sarcasm)
reflecting on this. what's hyperbole? sadly, not much of it.
also, don't go fucking throwing around labels like "incel" or whatever. you know how harmful those are (if you don't, they're just a really nasty thing to call someone, completely disregarding who they are, which grinds them down to something they are not.)
i have no idea what to put this under so i put it under Blogging.
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