Lovely going ons. Feeling productive, I went ahead and planned out which workdays I want to attend on my calender. I'm gonna have to use placeholder names for the different preserves for obvious safety reasons. They'll be Tristen, Mass, Malcolm and Cotan, for now atleast
I was a bit confused about not seeing Mass on the upcoming event list so I did end up texting the steward. She was very nice about it and it turns out workdays for Mass are monthly, not weekly. They're on the first Saturday of every month. I marked that down as well as the ones for this weekend and next weekend.
I've only done a few restoration days so far but I've really enjoyed it! Great workout, it gets me outta the house and into nature. I see myself continuing volunteering at forest preserves for as long as possible. Each location has its own steward[s] and the contact info varies. There are a handful of places close to me so I have my pick of the land. Really grateful it's even an option for me. It provides a regular expected activity with predictable selection of what I'll be doing for that amounted time. Weekends can be really hard for me with the lack of schedule so having consistent events to go to is a blessing.
It's also a great oppurtunity to make connections to folks in the fields I'm interested in!
D&D today was great, the group has indeed dwindled down a tad. Makes it easier to get to everyone and speeds it up vastly. Tossed Soph- well her character into a volcano thing, instantly killed a man. Wer're all low level still but that guy got delt 32 dmg in one unexpected blow, a pretty instantanious death. There's now a magical red car and giant puppies.
I've officially switched lunch tables as well, honestly a can of the change. I did ask for it after all. Helps me distance myself from one particular dude, to be clear I don't hate him. I just don't share the same humor and I don't find him particularly pleasant. Thus, buh-Bye!! I want to spend lunch with people I like.
I need to do laundry but damn do I not have the energy for that rn. I'm going to bed
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