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Category: Life


I honestly and personally dont understand why people hate queer people so much. Like, its just a choice and it shouldnt b bothering u! I know so many people that hate pride stuff and queer people but i honestly just find them rude, its just not something i can help, tell me you dont respect queer people and im not looking at you the same way ever again. Even my family thinks queer people are "ill" and i just dont understand why they are like this. Well, my family is mostly religious and all and i understand, i respect religious people! But if i respect their opinions, they should also respect my opinions. I actually think this is all about the way they were raised

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jas's profile picture

no honestly it is about the way they were raised. if u grow up your whole life being taught that queer people are "wrong" then it will definitely have an impact on you as a person. u have to choose to break that cycle of misconception to see what it really is for yourself. i'm super sorry your parents consider queer people "ill", that must be so uncomfortable. sending luv ur way ^_^

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omg u made my day tyy :))

by Nela; ; Report