mathematics is based on logic and reason. but can it survive the contradictions that characterize philosophy? both aim at truth, and truth is understood through many approaches. although there are simple basics in mathematics, there are no simple philosophies. it is a matter of what questions are asked in which there are no definitive answers. one such thinker, who developed a theory of the absurd (Albert Camus), dealt with the absurdity of life and its contention with us, proposing that searching for something in this universe filled with apathy is the real tragedy within. but with all these in mind, how are we to connect the two, the fluid philosophy, and the strict mathematics? how about these two paradigms: one is abstract reasoning and another is the reasoning that employs tangible, practical, real writing. think about how Kierkegaard and Heidegger simply ignore certainty, while devoting themselves to the idea of the meaning of human life, which is in itself very full of meaning, but so is incomprehensible to mathematician Gödel who worked on the conceptual system and its limitations.
this relation establishes that philosophy and mathematics, even if they seem two irreconcilable forces, belong to the same category in a way: the quest for comprehension within each's given limits.
for philosophy, it is the necessity to confront the blank with which the incomprehensible fills the content, while for mathematics, it is the quest to determine the maximal content of what is already known. they are both different approaches to the same objective, which is rationalizing the existing reality, however, the rationalization may at times be sketchy and/or unachievable. on that score as well, we can assert that the two disciplines emphasize the appeal of the impossibility of existence, the impossibility of the goal of truth, and the awareness that it is an impossible goal.
(first time writing this long of a text, lmfao. edit: revised and improved one.)
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very extreme case of
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