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how to use the flip phone / t9 keyboard on ur iphone/android!! ^w^

hey yall!! you know how on flip phones, they only had 9 keys on their keypad? because of that, they developed t9, which is a way to type all 26 letters of english on ur 9 keys. i used to have a flip phone so i learned it very easily, but now by default, smartphones today have a full 26 key keyboard to type. the 9key system is still used across so many parts of the world, namely japan, china, and s korea. i speak chinese, and we use the 9 key keyboard a lot bc its really just faster to type with. BUT ANY WAYS lets get back on track. for english, you can use it w/o getting any new apps or losing any storage, bc its built in! heres the steps for iphones.

(note: while there is no official english t9 keyboard on ios, most languages with t9 typing layout offer english input, which is what well be using. it works exactly the same!!)

1. open settings > general > keyboard > keyboards

2. press "add a new keyboard" and find korean (the japanese kana keyboard also works but the korean one is better imo)

3. press korean > add new keyboard > 10 key

congrats! now, wherever you go to type, press the globe icon at the bottom left of ur screen and it will switch!!


do not 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 out. press the ABC button on the left side to make it english. now there you go!

okay but how do i use it

so. there are multiple letters on a single button. most of them have 3, but pqrs and wxyz are exceptions (they have 4). if you want to type a, then press the a key once. to type b, press it twice. to type c, can you guess? yep! press it 3 times. this is how u use t9! for example, to say "hey,", press H 2 times, E 2 times, and Y 3 times. ik it sounds confusing, but I PROMISE U WILL GET THE HANG OF IT!! also the one that says 스페이스  is a space.

how to use the -> key

so im sure after some practice you noticed that to type certain words, some letters of that word are on the same key. for example, to say "hi", h and i are on the same key, so how do i type that without messing up the number of times i need to press the key? you could either wait for the key to deselect and turn white again, or use the -> key under pqrs, which is much faster. after you type h, press it, then it instantly deselects and lets you type a new letter! very handy.

benefits of t9 

when ur typing t9, u don need to move ur fingers as much, bc all of the keys are closer together. also, it is SO MUCH EASIER to type one handed! try it! you need to reach ur finger so far w 26 keys, but now u can type w only ur thumb if u want!

its gonna be hard to start out bc ur learning a whole new layout, but i promise practice makes perfect! just go into ur notes app and write things.

i used to have an android and i know that u can do the same thing on those using the japanese keyboard, but idk the specific steps bc i dont have the phone anymore :) its probably in gboard settings somewhere

okie thats it guys make sure to kudo! if u have a question please lmk in the comments and i will answer it!!! tysm!! btw i typed this all w t9 lol and i can type the same speed as 26 keys now!

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