Hello! :DD
I'm Jas, a overly energetic but sleepy human girl who does normal human things! like exist, eat bread and drink chai all the time, :3
I try my best to be active (there are no guarantees though!) so I apologize if I'm late to respond to messages n stuff :3
some things about me are that:
my favorite show of all time is 'The Dragon Prince. Mystery of Aaravos' (if it isn't obvious enough from my layout XD)
I love the webtoon 'Space Boy' by Stephen Mccraine (I HIGHLY RECOMEND!!)
one of my favorite movies is The little prince (the animated 2015 ver. :] )
I love space and the stars! and just mythoical things in general :3
I am studying how my dreams work and how they may predict the future and stuffs
ALSO- side note. I may be Christan, but it doesn't mean I'm homophobic n stuffs (despite popular belief) because my God Loves all! 💪
Have a nice day guys and God bless you all!! ^^
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