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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

(11/21) Cowboy Bebop (Live Action)

Cowboy Bebop Review: Netflix's Live-Action Show Is Colorless and Soulless


well...........it could be worse i guess?? (it was pretty bad tho imo lol)

so 1st off, it was a slog in A LOT of places, it made the moments worth watching the show pretty much not worth watching at ALL (i really liked how spike and jet were a little more buddy buddy even if they also bickered a little bit more too). the worst offenders were the vicious/julia moments and the sudden exposition dump moments.

2nd: they didnt give the music any time at ALL, there are almost no worthwhile quiet moments to let the music shine like the anime had, which i think is one of the worst things to change from the anime. the music is what helped bebop make its identity and stripping it from the adaptation is going to do nothing good for you.

3rd: WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT MAKING VICIOUS A FUCKING CUCKOLD WHO HAS DADDY ISSUES AND FRAIL MASCULINITY PROBLEMS WAS A GOOD IDEA!!! hes so miserable to watch knowing the original character hes based off of lmaooooooo
i get that they wanted to empower/give more agency to julia, but seriously doing that to vicious to make julia look better is so laughably bad. also wasted consideriiiiing

4th: what the fuck did you do to Julia???? you depicted her as a damsel only to "lol fake out shes actually a girlboss too!!!" and THEN have her become villain like bc "spike how could u not come for me!!!!" that was the worst and stupidest copout to have her get angry at spike for.

5th: faye is annoying af bc they tried REALLY HARD to make her a strong girlboss. you can empower and make the character less fanservice-y without MAKING THEM ANNOYING. she was fine in moments where she wasnt trying to out quip the boys, and i really loved that she got to develop a better relationship with jet, but holy hell other moments shes insufferable.

theres a lot wrong with the show, and really, if you had to choose, PLEASE just watch the anime. even as a standalone thing, its pretty goddamn bad (and half the time its the ACTUAL bad and not so bad its good bad). the actors and their performances are pretty good as well, john cho and mustafa shakir were my favorite parts of the show. the new music is mostly very good (when you can goddamn hear it). i know some people enjoyed it, and im glad they did! i hope it inspires them to watch the source material bc its just so goddamn good.

tldr; my tweet sums my thoughts up best (click the tweet for the link in the pic)

please watch Cowboy Bebop (1998)

Invader Zim - Gir

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