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Category: Life

bullying and being bullied

I've been thinking about how bullying affects someone or just me personally. So I have been bullied as a kid but not that much, just enough for me to feel bad about myself. But after some years, I became a bully---yes I do feel bad and I hope I don't have to come back to being that kind of person anymore.

I learnt that making fun of other people is okay based on the people I surrounded myself with and how I was treated growing up. Which blindly lead me to the point that it's okay to do that with everyone I met.

I wouldn't like to go into the details of anything but I have come to the point that if you are the abused, there is a good chance that you will become the abuser. This continual cycle will forever go on unless someone stops it. There isn't much of a chance that this cycle can stop as you may not see the signs at first.

It will slowly seep through you until you become a whole new different person.

Looking back at my actions have made me see myself exactly like the people I wished I didn't want to be. Some of the people around you can enable the bad behaviors that you show so, you should be careful of the people you call 'friends'.

A good way to stop the signs of becoming a bully is to check your morals frequently. One thing I have realized when I bullied others is that I would wiggle my way out of my morals by telling myself that the other person deserves it or that what I'm doing 'isn't that bad' when in reality, it doesn't really matter if they deserve it or if it isn't bad because what I'm doing is still wrong.

I'm sorry if I don't make any sense but I really just want to get this out.

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