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Category: SpaceHey

If you're under 13, get off spacehey.

I don't think any one's actually going to see this, but even if one person does, that's mission accomplished. 

If you're under 13, you should not be on spacehey. You should not be on social media in general. This is not gatekeeping, this is literally for your own good. I don't care how grown up you think you are, you are not mature enough to keep yourself safe online. That's why so many social media companies have a rule that you have to be 13 to register. 
I say under 15s shouldn't interact with me for that exact reason - I don't think 13-14 year olds are going to be able to understand what is and isn't safe when interacting with adults online. If you're under that age, you 100% aren't. 

Just because gen alpha has been raised by the internet, doesn't mean the rules don't apply to them. Doesn't make them more wise regarding technology - in fact I'd bet they're even less informed due to all the brainrot garbage they tend to consume. 
And it doesn't matter if you're "turning 13 in a few months". If you're under 13, you are too young for social media, end of story. 

I am not saying all of this because I don't like you or something. I'm sure you kids are nice enough. But being on social media at your age isn't safe. Do you know how many creeps are on the internet? Do you know how much nsfw content is floating around? How many scams? You might think you know how to avoid these things, but you don't. And I know you don't have a parent/guardian watching over you because they wouldn't allow you to sign up to anything at your age (unless they're a bad parent ig). 

From what I've seen, most of you are 12. You'll be 13 soon enough. So until then, leave social media. I'm not telling you to delete your accounts or anything, but you can't stay here. It's a dangerous world out there, far more dangerous than you think. Do what's needed to keep yourself safe. Thank you. 

TLDR: The online world is full of creeps, and if you're under 13, you aren't mature enough to know how to stay safe, so you shouldn't be on social media. 

14 Kudos


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