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Category: Life

Should i disconnect from the internet?

Hii, first of all i'm not a native english speaker so in this text there may be several grammatical errors.

I been thinking in disconnecting from the internet and buying a flip phone, i am verry adicted to internet but never give much importance, but nowdays i think that is starting to affect myself, like i can't read a book or i can concentrate in school or stay in silence (i have a youtube video in the background while writing this), i want to make a change but i dont know where start.

what should i do?

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Nexeno's profile picture

Our brains love to do whatever gives them the most positive response, thats why addictions exist, so the issue is that your brain struggles to want to stick to something thats less "responsive" when it knows you can easily hop on the computer and get that hit.

So while I wouldn't say go full nuclear, you gotta find it in you (or with the help of parents/friends) to disconnect for noticeable periods of time, be it a weekend for example, the most IMPORTANT part is to know how you are gonna fill that time. A common trap is for people to close their computer/phone and then just stare blankly not being aware what to do and then go back to their devices, you gotta set goals and plans to distract the addiction.


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