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Category: Blogging

To: Authourity Figures

Please don't let my survival be a crime

Please don't let my survival be optional to people who don't even know me

Please don't let the lives of my loved ones be constantly at risk because of who we are

If being queer is a choice, why can't I choose to live how I want?

If carrying a child isn't a choice, why is fatherhood?

Is it too much to ask that people aren't killed for living in a way that doesn't concern you?

If you don't want to deal with my way of living, stay out of it, please

If you don't like the way I look, please, just leave me alone

I'd rather you didn't attempt my death or torture because of the flag sticker on my notebook

Because of the flag hung up in my home

Why should your flag, the one that represents the death of millions, be allowed to stay proud, while ours, one that is killed and trying to get by, be burned?

Why do you want us dead so badly? 

What drives you so far from empathy that you think murder is okay?

Why do you prioritise the safety of a chemical reaction over the safety of a living person?

Why should someone with an entire life be stripped of rights for the sake of something that isn't yet alive?

What makes you think killing all the queers is just your belief, yet also consider the removal of what is practically a tumour from someone who doesn't want it murder?

I'm so tired

Please, stop hunting us 

Obviously the lives of everyone who suffers are important to save but I can't help them if I'm dead

Why is it so hard for you to let people live?

I'm scared and exhausted

Let us rest in peace that isn't the peace of death

0 Kudos


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