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Category: Blogging

Advice Questions?

Hey! I like giving advice and if you have any random questions that have been bugging you then you can comment them below and I can answer them in a YT vid. Anywhere from mental health questions to how to make the best Mac and Cheese are totally acceptable and great to answer. I’m not a professional like a therapist or a chef, but I love answering questions and listening to people’s stories and stuffs. :) 

Questions that are not okay:

- anything inappropriate

- anything releasing personal information

- admitting to any serious crimes

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Lamby 's profile picture

Hello, this thing you are doing seems cool :0
i would like to ask a question:
How do I tell if I am annoying or being clingy my friends?
I am not that used to being friends with people,, so recently, when i started to be more Out There in the world, i sometimes talk to people i consider to be friends. I like to save things that remind me of them, and I like to give those things as a sort of "hey i saw this thing and i thought you would like it",,a show of appreciation and such. I am just worried that I may be doing it too much or too often,, I could just ask them, but I am shy TT I have resorted to spacing it out , maybe waiting a day or two before showing them the Thing that I saw that reminded me of them,, but my brain itches to show the many funny memes i have screenshotted. Question rephrase,, actually: How do I give things to my friends without worrying about being/seeming weird about it? Advice much appreciated,, thank you very much for your time and reading this ^^

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Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment. This is a great question and I’ll definitely answer this in the video.

by Tobias; ; Report

awesome! ^^b

by Lamby; ; Report


Destext's profile picture

what is your youtube channel?

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Here’s the link:
It’s also on my profile:)

by Tobias; ; Report