So recently I got more stuff for my Yu-Gi-Oh collection and actually set up a small alter space, which has been pretty cool. In terms of my practice I have not been keeping up with it due to being in some sort of a rut (could be seasons changing or what have you) but I do take moments to at least sit and stew.
Other than that I've been thinking about decluttering my spaces and just reorganizing in general. I'm not really in a situation where I can just move my shelves and furniture willynilly. So having that refreshing feeling after changing things is hard. So just being able to take some time to reorganize and move things around is nice but since I have so much stuff even THAT is hard.
Decluttering it is then! I plan to go through things I haven't touched or doesn't have any significance what so ever and either giving it away, selling it or just donating it. But it all depends on the item itself. I don't aim to declutter my Yu-Gi-Oh collection AT ALL if that ever came to mind. The most I'm kind of willing to do is to get rid of my duplicate keychains and collectibles. I have tons of other things I can get rid of/go through like pokemon cards, small knickknacks and a bunch of other things I haven't touched in months or even YEARS.
Besides that I've been pretty busy altogether. With the combination of work and school, all I do is sleep or just bed rot. I mean it's not like I'm leaving stuff strewn about. But after a day or two when I just cleaned, things start looking messy. Like by the end of week I have papers on my tv stand and my desk is just disorganized like hell. Work and school aren't an excuse to just have everything and anything lying around but sometimes that's how it is.
So in general I've just been kind of floating here and there. I played the new tcg pocket app and love it and have been slowly adding to my YGO collection like a maniac. I also lowkey plan to move my alter space to somewhere more open cause it's in the corner and I'm honestly not a huge fan but it'll have to do until I get the time and motivation to declutter/reorganize. I also have been thinking of buying a new candle or something idk I'll see what happens lol.
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