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Category: Life


i suppose every young person comes to a certain time in their life when they decide 'fuck it' and do some dumb rebellious shit

turns out. my time arrived at the ripe age of 16 which might be even kinda old for some ppls standarts

so yeah it happened on a school trip with a group of classmates crowded up in a tiny cabin (we were going by boat overnight) 

first a classmate poured a little somethin in my redbull then we went over to one dude from another class, had a few shot, i refused to do anymore bc i was scared obv it was my first time drinking

that was night 1

night 2 was when i was feeling REAL lonely (my emotional support friend wasnt there </333) so i drank more and obv felt dizzier and giddier than last night

but then one of my roommates fucking sprained her ankle going down the stairs so the rest of the night we all spent taking care of her

the next morning was roughhhhhhhhh

so would i recommend it? nah, even for that brief feeling of freedom (ive always been 'the good, smart kid' so to break out of that label a bit felt kinda freeing) the aftermath is not worth it lol

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XxsofmustdiexX's profile picture

arghh ur stronger than me, at the big ole age of 19 I've only ever gotten tipsy, and tbh that was more than enough for me LMFAO i get super self conscious about how other people percieve me so instead of being relaxing i spent the whole night super scared to do anything out of fear of "seeming tipsy" ITS SO STUPID LOOKING BACK LMFHASHDHS

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lmao yeahhhh BELIEVE me when my roomies (both drunk out of their minds) tried acting like everything was normal was so funny

we had to make them play a mobile game just to make em stop trying to fight

by augoose; ; Report