CRINGETOBER DAY 31: HALLOWEEN!!!!! + my costume!!

i went trick or treating as Kate the Chaser from slender the arrival and it was a lot of fun, despite getting made fun of by a group of obnoxious teenage boys walking past us and despite a lot of drama stuff that went down during the night. i really like how my mask came out and the pictures I took of it, plus all the old ladies giving out candy were complimenting it

for the prompt today I just drew an assortment of doodles, my favorite is the bottom right corner of dog counting the candy he got by scaring kids and making them drop their buckets (pictured in the top left corner)

the doodle with the text bubbles would be dogs response to wolverine talking about how he hates Halloween in the x-men the animated series Halloween episode Bloodlines

my least favorite part about this drawing is Jubilee, no matter what I can never draw her right 💔💔


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I got 76 pieces of candy at the end of the night, but we did only trick or treat for an hour so I think If I went the whole night id have enough to survive the summerween trickster

I'm gonna miss cringetober tbh, even though it was stressful it was a lot of fun having a new prompt to do every day, plus I'm NOT looking forward to getting a job in November

cringetober day 30

4 Kudos


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