What's up people?
I heard they made a new MySpace and came as fast as I could. The more places I can lurk the better. Not sure what I'll be posting here yet, but it'll probably be scans of books and CDs I own cause I love physical media. Who knows, maybe I'll even share some of my writing. Ha! Like anybody wants to read that.
Anyway, I spent hours setting up my profile and I really should go to bed. Ciao ciao!
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It's not necessarily a new MySpace, but a revival of the old one with a twist of its own, so it's not a literal copy. Enjoy it though.
And physical media is so important these days. Personally, I have my own CDs and DVDs.
Gotcha, gotcha. I'm actually surprised by the visibility on this site. Really takes me back to the old Deviantart and how easy it was to meet people with the same interests.
Do you have a record player? I have an old CD player that I got off Ebay.
by Sulfateur; ; Report
Yes. I have this portable record player I was given. It's not the best way to listen to vinyl records, but it's better than nothing. As for CDs, I have my own sound system and a portable CD player that is old af but still works.
I also have a cassette player and some recorded tapes from radio stations.
As for DVDs, I never got rid of my DVD players and my childhood TV (a sturdy Samsung). But to be honest, I had to get a new DVD player from a family member because mine stopped working and I also had to buy a new remote control.
Was your purchase worth it? Does it work?
by Ina; ; Report
Wow, I wish I still had my childhood's old tv... Sometimes I'll be walking around my neighborhood and someone will have dumped one out on the sidewalk. I even saw a boomer age tv set at the recycling center once!
The CD player I got works fine! Putting in my cassette tapes felt very nostalgic. I actually found not one, but two players in the garbage disposal of my building. I just need to remember to put batteries in them and see if they work, in which case I can sell them for a few bucks.
My current dream purchase would be a VHS/DVD player combo. Last time I checked, they were going for a high price on Ebay.
by Sulfateur; ; Report
Sometimes I find some interesting stuff at the neighbourhood dump, but I don't think I've ever seen an old TV there, just furniture. Most hardware/tech stores have a special bin for old technology.
And finding cassette players is such a lucky find. I hope the ones you've got work, but if they don't you can always sell them, as you said, because there are people who will buy them for the parts.
A VHS/DVD player combo? I think they were quite expensive even then. But watch out for the scalpers as they inflate the prices to insane levels. Try to find those CRT TVs that have the combo, so you've got a screen and the players.
Something like: https://www.ebay.com/itm/305871075092?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=epbEtbXPRKO&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
It's small, but it's one of those with a built-in VCR.
Other model I saw was Broksonic SC20145 20 in. TV/VCR/DVD Combo (but I couldn't find much more info on the product, just some pics).
And you may want the combo player without the TV, so I really hope you can find a good deal online.
by Ina; ; Report