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*SPOILERS* My review or the new Life is Strange game. . . honestly I expected MUCH better.

Don't buy this game if you're a fan of the first. . .

If you really want to buy this game, I'd say just buy the game and no DLCs, or add-ons just wait till it's on sale because, you'll probably be disappointed (from someone who bought the ULTIMATE edition of this game).

Honestly, now I just wanna replay the original Life is Strange, and not the remastered one.😭


This game feels like it completely sh**s on the first game and feels like bad fanfiction, or "rewrite" of the first. It feels as if Deck Nine just wants to make their own version of Max and erase  what happened in the first game. There really isn't much info provided about Safi and her relationship with her mom (or anything for that matter) so the whole major plot point doesn't make sense, and feels like it was pulled from nowhere. Not to mention the weird (and out of character) line about Mr. Jefferson in Max's journal. If your a fan of the first game you'll spot the inconsistencies about Max right away. There are some lines where I feel like it'd definitely be something Max would say and some - not so much. Although, I will say I did appreciate the easter eggs to the first game (not that those do much to save this game)! I honestly don't think anyone at Deck Nine really understands Max's character and what made the first game so special to a lot of people in the first place. 

And for me, this game has no replayability, unlike LiS 1, and LiS 2 which are both made by the original devs, DON'T NOD. Which both have great storylines, and depth added to EVERY character.


The whole thing about them "respecting both endings" is literally bs.

They completely ruined the easter egg about Max and Chloe from LiS 2. :)

Instead of it being a nice photo, they made it so that that's the last photo they took before they broke up, so- yeah, that's just fantastic. And also, I still don't get how Deck Nine thought THAT was a good reason for CHLOE ending things. . . you know the Chloe we were trying to save the entire game? How about we just shi* on that entire relationship and character growth! The thing was, it wasn't even a GOOD reason, just "they had a fight" like, okay? C'mon they definitely have a stronger bond than that. The only thing we get is one voice line (from the voice actor from Before the Storm), and a line at the end of the game about if Max is ready to talk to Chloe again.

There is no choice there, and she essentially says "MAYBE". 😭😭

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