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Category: Music

the lame ass comedian brought you the stolen bangers. (+ news)

I don't know what the hell is going on, but oh my god I fucking cooked again, y'all. This blog post is going to be a quick one because I'm tired and there aren't a lot of things to announce.

I've always had something like this in mind after making worst mashup ever on fumofumo, but just today I had the inspiration to actually make it when HappyEpicBoi kept anticipating this remix by himself. He made the artwork, he couldn't make the song, so he let me cook. And oh my god I'm so proud of it.

the lame ass comedian brings you the stolen bangers. by Eray & Hits

This is obviously a mash up, I combined Kid606's CD Star and DaymanOurSavior's Meme Megamix series.

Anyways y'all time for the news, I guess.

Careborn's quite literally bleeding while making Life Isn't Living, and it'll probably out very soon. The deadline is so tight, it's deadly. My heart goes out to you, Careborn. Don't abuse yourself.

Then, Tewi's saying she'll make a new album, AWOKEN02. I don't know how much is with the production of it, but yeah it keeps getting name dropped here and then. I hope it will be good.

That's all, y'all. I currently have nothing to make unless something really unexpected happens. Which, most of the time, always does.

Kupai y'all. Y'all are the best.

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hartenny's profile picture

oh you'll love what i have in store for ya.

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