Doctor Who: Time of the Doctor Review SPOILERS!!

and here we are, the last episode of the Matt Smith Era! Time fo the Doctor is the final 50th year anniversary special and the final episode of the the Eleventh Doctor! 

WARNING!! Spoilers for Time of the Doctor & the Silence story arc of Matt smith's era. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

There is an unreadable signal coming from a planet, drawing the Doctor (Matt Smith), and many of his foes. On the other side of the universe, it's Christmas and Clara (Jenna Coleman) needs a date. She and the Doctor run off to the planet for one hour. during this time, the Doctor finds that the planet they're on is Trenzalore, the place where the Doctor makes his last stand. there is also a crack in the universe here, where the Time Lords are whispering in. the Doctor then sends Clara back to her home. Fast forwards 300 years, Clara has been clinging to the TARDIS, which brings her back to Trenzalore, which the Doctor has been protecting from his enemies this whole time. the Doctor brings Clara up to the ship of the Papal Mainframe, the organization that has been blocking out all of the Doctor's enemies for the past 300 years. Twist: the Daleks (Nicholas Briggs) have infiltrated the Church. the Doctor then sends Clara back (again). She comes back (again) and greets a now 900 year old Doctor as the Daleks finally invade Trenzalore. The Doctor goes to finally meet his death, and Clara convinces the Time Lords to save the Doctor. They give him a new Regeneration cycle, and the Doctor changes his future. Inside his TARDIS, he finally regenerates into the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi).
unlike the previous review, i wrote my thoughts while i was watching the episode, so now y'all get my raw, unfiltered thoughts! hooray!

i stand by my opinion that the Steven Moffat Era is my favourite era of Doctor Who. THAT BEING SAID, his Moffatisms are so apparent here. specifically making the main characters technically naked the entire time... Moffat is SUCH a gooner it's insane.

AND BALD 11. JUST. BALD. ELEVENTH DOCTOR. HELP. i can only imagine the amount of giggles they had on set. 

look at him. ears like rocket fins. "ears like rocket fins" YA THINK??

11's final hour. he makes his stand at trenzalore and dies a warrior. in the language of the gamma forests, "doctor" means "a great warrior." who has he become?

time and again we see that the Doctor is willing to do anything to save their companions, including lying and tricking them. and time and time again, we see that the companions will do anything to save the Doctor, including outsmarting them. in "The Parting of Ways," Nine tricks Rose and sends her back to her time to avoid her antihalation via Dalek. Rose then stares into the heart of the TARDIS and becomes the Bad Wolf to save the Doctor. Donna almost explodes her head to help the Doctor, and has to have her mind wiped by him to save her life, a fate that she actively fought against. the Doctor leaves Amy & Rory in their time because he sees that if she stays with him, she'll wind up dead, which she does. and now, he sends Clara home because Trenzalore is where he dies, and if he's dead he won't be there to protect him. but here's the thing, she's the one that saves *his* life this time 'round. She's the one that gets him that new regeneration cycle. (THE DOCTOR IS NOT THE TIMELESS CHILD. IDC WHAT CHIBNALL SAYS, HE CAN SUCK ON IT.) i'm so glad that nuwho changes the dynamic of the doctor and his companions. in Classic who, the companions were basically all damsels in distress, contrast with Nuwho, where companions are fleshed out characters who are not just there but also flip the role of who is the damsel and who is the protector.

Sidenote: when did d12 find the time to save Gallifrey??

MURRAY GOLD THE MAN YOU ARE. His music manages to make me cry over a CYBERMAN HEAD!!! A CYBERMAN HEAD!!!! i'm so glad he's back for series 14.

I love the idea that the first face" that the Doctor see's post-regeneration is the most important to them. 9 & 10 saw Rose, 11 saw Amy, 12 saw Clara, & 14 saw Donna. They go literally insane for these women I swear to god LMAO 

On my scale from Dalek Sewer Sludge to Fishfingers and Custard, this gets a "I've got new kidneys!" it's a wonderful send off to Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor, but i feel that the story it wanted to tell was a bit weak, and could've done better if we cut out the Christmas at Clara's portion and focused more on the Doctor and Trenzalore. i'm sure it held more emotion in 2013, but 10 years of Doctor Who later and it's lost abit of it's value. Points also taken off because Clara has NO CHARACTER HERE. She, quite unfortunately, doesn't get character until series 8. the Doctor tricking Clara TWICE, also does it in for me.  the tone of the episod eis also at odds with itself. the first half is goofy and funny, like "the lodger" and the second half is more serious like "the Doctor's Wife." I think if they kept the same darker tone throughout, it would've stuck the landing better.

my next review: dead poets society

Rowan Out!

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