I made a fan speciez 4 Homestuck =:3

Basically (gonna drop me quirk 4 this 1 cuz it's gonna be long)

These are [Placeholder Title] Scalians, bioluminescent aliens living on a planet called Ambistomia, predating trolls by centeries. Despite being high in technology, they have quite backwards views, even more unpleasant than Trolls. 

The castes are associated with a different element-based power per castes:

Warm/Imp Castes

Umber - Fire

Cherry - Fire

Citrus - Fire

Peach - Electivity

Lemon - Electricity

Lime - Electricity

Mid/Elf Castes

Emerald - Nature

Teal - Nature/Air

Sky - Air

Cool/Siren Castes

Ocean - Water/Ocean

Lilac - Water/Ocean

Violet - Water/Ocean

Cerise - Water/Ocean

Rose - Water/Ocean

Sirenbloods usually live in the water or on a beach, Elfbloods usually live in caves or in a forest/jungle, and Impbloods usually live near volcanos/on mountains or in caves.

Outfits In Culture: 

Impbloods: Impbloods usually dress in simple outfits with their only aloud primary colours are their primary colour and greyscale only accented by their secondary colour, greyscale, or muted brown.

Elfbloods: Elfbloods are the middle and working class of the planet, lowest amount of money being the Emeraldbloods and highest being Skybloods. Therefore, they would be able to access slightly more accessories. They are also aloud one colour accent out of their caste colours.

Sirenbloods: Sirenbloods are the richest of the Scalians, as they are quite literally royalty. They usually flaunt their wealth by buying excessive accessories and wear more expensive and intricate outfits. They are aloud as many colours as they want, though they rarely go over 3.

There are currently 5 known kingdoms:






The limbs of Scalians usually are gradiant from their main colour to the contrasting colours. Every part of them glow except for their sclera and the insides of their mouth excluding the tounge. Names are usually references and puns, almost always in an 8 name structure.

That's all!! =X3

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2 Kudos


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