everyone thinks im a fat loser who can't afford "real" food. ive eaten once a day for idk how long now, but im still scared people think im eating too much so i usually try to eat at night or when people aren't around. they stare at me weird when im not looking. they don't say anything, but i can feel their judgement from a mile away. i wish i didn't have to eat to survive.
i hate starving until 1am just to make sure no one is around when i make food. i even hate saying the word food just because that word being in my vocab makes me feel fat.
i know im not fat, im kinda chubby, but not fat. im just scared other people will think i am and that it's bad to be the weight/size that i am. fuck society, fuck the media, fuck these stupid body expectations that make me so afraid. i just want to be comfortable. im actually pretty ok with my body, other than the fact that im shit at maintaining my hygiene, i think my body type is fine. just wish i could stop caring about what people think.
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aughh i get this
i'm a super picky eater at the same time & kinda feel embarassed abt my eating habits even though i try not to think about it (and i don't eat that much?! ( ̄.  ̄|||))
just wishing i could eat normal yknow ! 🫱🏽🫲🏽
im super picky too, and it's embarrassing. im a full grown adult and i don't like most fruits and vegetables. it's the texture of things that are usually the issue though.
by vesper !!; ; Report

there's so many foods i've never tried bc of this, i feel like such a child sometimes but i can't help it!! for me it's also textures but also super strong smells and there's alot of tastes/flavors i don't like + the fear of feeling sick if i don't like smth... i'm cooked
by kitsuanna; ; Report
THE SMELLS TOO i will gag just thinking about certain smells. even if there is none, if i find something gross and just cover my nose with my shirt i'll be perfectly fine. it's so nice being able to relate to someone else with my toddler taste buds and sensory issues lmao
by vesper !!; ; Report
SAMEEE RAHHH!! toddler taste buds gang 🫶🏽
by kitsuanna; ; Report
by vesper !!; ; Report
I understand ur situation, im passing for smt similar in the moment, ik its pretty hard to dont care ab what others think, im not sure how i could help u since idk u irl, but im here if u want to vent or smt *virtual hug* -PRV
dw you're good, i don't expect advice when i don't ask for it. i hope you're doing good though.
by vesper !!; ; Report
by vesper !!; ; Report
tyyy, yk i like giving advices, help people give the best feeling
by Phemel★Redvelvet; ; Report
i do too, but sometimes people don't want advice and just want to be listened to
by vesper !!; ; Report
Yeah, sometimes they just need to put everything out and a hug
by Phemel★Redvelvet; ; Report