hiiii sorry that i don't come here often/ school exams and all that staff u knowU_U / but i already started my vacation and now i can finally get a good night's sleep :P / And now i won't have to wake up at 6 am hell ye / and since I have semesters now, not quarters, I can not worry about grades, since I still have 2 whole months!!
(5-A, 4-B, 3-C/D, 2-F, Н/Б-missed a lesson)
so I'm resting now, I hope you're having a good time too!!! =D
FAKE G4N ^_^
oh and the day before yesterday I had a very unpleasant situation. I was putting the laundry in the laundry basket, and as I was doing this, the lid of the basket fell on my ear and grazed my piercing. as a result, the twist of the jewelry tore my c4rtil4ge and completely entered it. I couldn't get it out and my dad came home from work and took me to the hospital. everything was pulled out there and since the decoration flew out with the м34т, they c6t it off . my ear hurt for two days and now everything is fine, but again it's all red, sw0llen, and it hurts to touch it. I hope that the infection will not get into it and everything will pass quickly. minus helix X﹏X
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Adrian Tzun
Hey! Awesome that you finally finished your school year.
Hope that everything goed well for you, and that the next year it goes for you much better!
And OMG, hope you recover fast!
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thx u so nice!!
by r0tt3n_m34tt; ; Report