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Category: Books and Stories

Book Review - Bioshock Rapture

I had been a fan of Bioshock since I was little. I got the first game for free through playstation plus and ever since then I was hooked, so when I was scrolling on my kindle and I saw that there was a book, I was ecstatic! I'm glad to say that this book is just as amazing as the game series!

Bioshock Rapture Cover

Now, Before you begin reading, you must understand that the book is technically non-canon. There are several contradictions made throughout the book that would mess up the original story slightly if it were to be canon, but it gives a wonderful insight into how Rapture possibly came to be as well as a deeper dive into several characters mentioned throughout the main game!

Brief Summary: 

The story is told through the eyes of many residents who all called Rapture home (or prison, depending on the person). In the beginning, Rapture had not even begun construction. It was only an idea in the mind of proud businessman and entrepreneur Andrew Ryan. He had a dream of a perfect city, and he was going to do whatever it took to make that dream a reality.

Andrew built Rapture from the ground up. It was to be a haven of technological wonders, where only the brightest and smartest would thrive in his underwater utopia., away from the prying eyes of the different world's governments and leaders. Of course, there is no such thing as a utopia. 

Outside forces and inside turmoil made it's way into the heart of Rapture. A conman, a psychologist, and anyone who defied Andrew's way of thinking were deemed enemies to Andrew and Rapture. Who could he trust? Who was out to get him next? 

His biggest adversary was a man who went by the name Frank Fontaine, although that wasn't his real name. He had hired two scientist who were rejected due to their harsh experimentation and apathy to discover ways to capitalize on a strange discovery. A sea slug with a substance that caused humans to change. A substance called ADAM. 

Once ADAM was complete, it was sold to the people. Fire, Ice, Telepathy, Super Speed. It was now possible. But those who abused ADAM changed in even more ways. They grew almost sadistic. They were willing to harm anyone to get to their precious ADAM. They killed people in the streets for the fun of it. They lost their minds.

With the discovery of ADAM, Rapture began to fall. Sophia Lamb was also leading her own uprising at the time from her prison cell in Persephone. She had been sent there for challenging Ryan's rule, but that didn't stop her. Using her quick whit and charisma, she gathered a small army and began tearing away at the structure of Rapture.

Rapture was falling, but Ryan couldn't accept it.

My Review: 

I won't spoil the ending! I definitely recommend reading it for yourself. I literally cried like a baby at the end, so I need you to experience that too. 

Bioshock: Rapture is exactly what I hoped it was. From the very beginning you can a sense of unease at hearing Andrew Ryan speak of his underwater utopia. He was so clouded by his ideology that he couldn't see the unrest happening just below his tower until it was too late. Even after his people were dying around him, he refused to open the gates and let them go.

His love for the city of Rapture outweighed his love for the people of Rapture. Throughout reading, I felt a constant strain and a sense of panic. It was a good panic, though. There was never a time of rest. The next attack could be around any corner. The people were furious and desperate but were being ignored by the one person who was supposed to help them, but Ryan stuck to his mantra, "No Gods of Kings, Only Man." He believed the a man should work for what he wants, but how is one supposed to work when there is no work to do?

The only character I truly cared for was Bill McDonagh (also his wife and daughter lol). He was a strong man who cared for those around him, even Ryan. Without Ryan, Bill would have been a plumber with a dead end job forever, hiding his British accent because he was too scared of being judged. He would have never met his wife or had his daughter. At the same time, he also disagreed with Ryan, and while he didn't always voice it, he had compassion for the residents of Rapture and didn't want to see the carnage that Ryan was causing by ignoring the issues around him.

All in All, Bioshock: Rapture is an amazing read. It took my way too long to finish because I came into it thinking that I wouldn't like it, so that's why I wrote this all-over-the-place review XD. I want others to read this book knowing that it's an amazing read that makes you feel connected to Rapture. When playing the games, I can relate back to the book with a new perspective. The new years eve party is a lot darker than before. 

I hope you enjoyed this review! It's my first one, so I'm still learning, but if you have anything else I should review please let me know! I enjoy games, books, movies, tv shows, and writing about them! (also i apologize if words are slightly misspelled, I'm dyslexic and I mix my letters up a lot.)

what is this guy doing????  welcome to raptureadam addiction gang

thanks for reading!

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