This took WAYYY TOO MUCH EFFORT to make 馃槶 I hope you'll like it!!11!1!
To nie by艂 film
Powiedzia艂 "mo偶e by艣my tak kiedy艣, mo偶e dzisiaj?"
Powiedzia艂 "tak, zr贸bmy to, tak, by nikt nie widzia艂, mo偶e w parku pod lasem, na torach przy gara偶ach, tam, gdzie zawsze jest ciemno i gdzie prawie nikt nie chodzi"
"Nie b臋dziemy wybiera膰" powiedzia艂, "ten, kto pierwszy",
niczym ostrze losu, "pierwszy, kt贸ry si臋 trafi
Tylko pami臋taj bez ha艂asu, bez zb臋dnych emocji, poczuj w sobie si艂臋 i r贸b tak, 偶eby zabi膰"
"Urodzeni mordercy", "Kalifornia", "Siedem", "Harry Angel", "Pulp Fiction", "Hellraiser" i "Freddy"
Codziennie filmy by艂y dla nas jak Biblia, te same sceny, nawet w snach je widz臋
Widz臋 w snach wci膮偶 to samo, ci膮gle boj臋 si臋 zasn膮膰, tamten le偶y we krwi, a mnie robi si臋 s艂abo
Powiedzia艂 "Patrz, jak pi臋knie, prawie tak, jak w filmach, zapami臋taj to", pami臋tam, "prawie tak, jak w filmach"
To nie by艂 film
To nie by艂 film
Pami臋tam, m贸wi艂 "ach, chcia艂bym sobie postrzela膰 wiesz, do dziewczyn na ulicy, w bia艂y dzie艅, teraz
Nie do zwyk艂ych dziewczyn, ale do tych najpi臋kniejszych, chcia艂bym patrze膰 im w oczy, jak marniej膮 i wi臋dn膮"
M贸wi艂 "ciekawe jak to jest, tak naprawd臋 zabi膰? W r臋kach trzyma膰 przeznaczenie, jego panem by膰?
Wiesz, chcia艂bym, mo偶e by艣my tak kiedy艣 na ulicy w jakim艣 ciemnym miejscu, tak, by nikt nie widzia艂?"
Pami臋tam, m贸wi艂 "zapami臋taj", nie potrafi臋 zapomnie膰, wyrazu oczu, strachu, potem krwi na d艂oniach
Krew by艂a wsz臋dzie wok贸艂, pami臋tam to dobrze, p艂yn臋艂a niczym rzeka z potrzaskanej g艂owy
Krew pulsowa艂a w skroniach, rozsadza艂a czaszk臋, r臋ce dr偶a艂y, nie wiem, z podniecenia czy ze strachu?
Pami臋tam, on si臋 艣mia艂, m贸wi艂 co艣 o filmach, "zapami臋taj to", pami臋tam, "prawie tak, jak w filmach"
Ale to nie by艂 film
To nie by艂 film
Ale to, to nie by艂 film
To nie by艂 film
It wasn't a film
He said "maybe we could someday, maybe today?"
He said "yes, let's do this, in a way that no one will see, maybe in the park beneath the forest, on the tracks next to the garages, in a place where it's always dark and almost no one comes there"
"we won't pick favorites" he said "whoever comes first"
,like a stab of fate "whoever comes first.
Just remember, without any noise, without unnecessary emotions, feel the power within yourself and do it in a way, that it will kill"
"Natural Born Killers", "Kalifornia", "Se7en", "Harry Angel", "Pulp Fiction", "Hellraiser" and "Freddy"
Everyday films were like the bible for us, the same scenes, I keep seeing them even in my dreams.
I keep seeing the same things in my dreams, I'm scared to fall asleep, that one is laying in blood and I feel lightheaded
He said "Look how beautiful, almost like in films, "remember this" I remember "almost like in films"
It wasn't a film
It wasn't a film
I remember, he said "ah, you know I would like to start a shooting, shoot girls in the middle of the day, right now.
Not normal girls, but the prettiest ones, I would like to look them in the eyes as they wilt and wither"
He was saying "I wonder what it's like, to actually kill? Have the fate in your hands, govern over it?
You know, I would like to, maybe we could on the street in some dark place so no one can see?"
I remember, he was saying "remember", I can't forget, the looks in their eyes, fear and then blood on my hands.
Blood was everywhere around, I remember this well, it flew like a river from the broken skull.
Blood was pulsing in the temples, blew apart the skull, hands were shaking, I don't know, from excitement or from fear?"
I remember, he was laughing, saying something about films "remember this", I remember "almost like in films"
But it wasn't a film
It wasn't a film
But it wasn't a film
It wasn't a film
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