My passion project website! (

Hello everyone out there!

(I've actually started my first Neocities site approx 3 years back, but this particular site is a project i've started @ school early september of this year:)


Those were the first days of fall. I'd almost always take my laptop to the library to study, research etc. And because it often is a rainy, cold walk there i'd go to the bakery right in front of the library and buy myself some apple pie to warm up.  Thus, in a noisy 2-hour substitution lesson I thought "hey, why not code a little bit while I wait?" and chose the name apfelkuchen ("apple pie" in german). This project is exactly what an apple pie is to me: A slice of love in the ordinary. A warm-up. Its kinda cheesy but thats how it came to be.

As you can see my css isnt the best lol (marquee-kun. my senpai, mwah) But i'll catch up to better skills sooner or later. I check up on my site like its my baby, lol

The life of a webmaster (its just as boring as anyone else's but with more 1's and 0's):

Im in a very busy stage of life right now as im going to have a two-week internship at a tax consulting firm. Im also gonna have a math exam on the 12th of december. We're probably also gonna move (which is awesome!! finally an own room! i will literally update the shit out of this! probably even get a domain name! who knows!).


Im looking to add a section for my art/music and expand my socials on the about page. A full rework of my site is also on the horizon for next year, probably first half, not sure.

So yeah! I'd appreciate if you atleast check it out once. Yknow, signing the guestbook, chatting in the chatroom, maybe following. As of me writing this i havent done the halloween update to my site yet but im gonna do it asap. You can expect a Christmas and also a New Year's layout too :).

Yours truly,


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~Sage_Dog~'s profile picture

Broooooo This is so cool! I looked through for just a little bit to see what you had and it's sooo sick!!!! You did great and you should keep up the good work! ^^

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omg thx!! i love networking and stuff and i dint think someone would read this thru lmao!! yes i will be further updating, im looking forward to a bunch of stuff now that the internet archive is back up! :)) thx man this day was already awesome but i really needed to hear smthn xoxoxo <3333

by xX_angelbyte_Xx; ; Report

I am so glad to hear that <3 Can't wait to see more from your site!!! ^^

by ~Sage_Dog~; ; Report