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Category: Life

why do we dress our pets up (rant)

why are people so fucking selfish when it comes to animals. oh it's almost halloween let's put some random shit on our pet for our own enjoyment and not give a single fuck about what they want. my mother plans to dress our dog up as a lion. first off, that's a stupid idea, and very unoriginal. second, he's a senior dog, he's 13 years old he doesn't want to have some weird fuzzy shit all around his neck bothering his face. she's like "nooo he'll be fine" ok? yeah he'll be "fine" but he won't be happy. what is even the point? he's not going anywhere for halloween. she's probably gonna force it on him, take 30 of the same picture, then post it on facebook. i hate people so much. i wish we'd get wiped out but in a way that leaves the animals living comfortably without us. 

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k4de !!

k4de !!'s profile picture

oh my god YESSSSS. my dog is almost 6, so she's young-ish. we have this pretzel costume we put her in because it clips to her harness and it doesn't bother her- we make sure she's comfortable and isn't protesting it at all. we took it off last year because she didn't look very happy to be wearing it. people just disregard pet's signs of discomfort for no reason.

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thank you for caring enough to make sure they're comfortable

by vesper !!; ; Report