Susurrus: A soft, whispering or rustling sound
Peripatetic: Traveling from place to place, especially not on foot
Meliorism: The belief that the world can be made better by human effort
Limerence: The statue of being infatuated with someone
Ultracrepidarian: Someone who gives opinions beyond their knowledge
Cacophony: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Peregrinate: To travel or wander around from place to place
Defenestrate: To throw someone or something out the window
Welkin: The sky or heaven
Redamancy: The act of loving in return
Quixotic: Idealistic in an impractical way, often to a foolish extent
Apricity: The warmth of the sun in winter
Sonder: The realization that each passerby as a life as vivid and complex as your own
Bibliopole: A person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones
Eucatadtrophe: A sudden and favorable resolution of events in a story; a happy ending
Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookstores
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