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Category: Life

Am I overreacting?

This morning, I got really angry at my partner over a comment he made. I partially feel like I overreacted but the other part of me is like "nah, fuck that."

I am bisexual & my partner knows this, it's something we've talked & joked about before but sometimes I feel like he jokes about it just a little TOO much, ya know?
Well this morning he made a comment about some girl on tiktok being cute. Let me just be clear, I have no problem with him making comments complimenting another person's appearance but I thought it'd be funny to tease him because he teases me all the time so I said "You want her tiktok? You wanna hit her up huh?" & he responds "No, I'm talking about for you."
I immediately got defensive, I felt like I was being fetishized & that my sexuality is always a joke as well. He could tell I was upset & asked what was wrong. I explained to him how I felt...well actually I said "Oh so I shouldn't be bisexual?" which made him feel horrible. He apologized & told me that he'd stop doing that but I guess we'll see.

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