i was in like a professional setting/building or whatever. there were a bunch of people standing around eating lunch or on break. i think it was a workplace of sorts. i was talking to this guy about how someone turned into some kind of shadow man and how the darkness started at his creases in his skin and i should be careful, but then he was like "it's already starting, look in a mirror" and i did and i had black splotches in my laugh lines. so i left and met up with some random lady who tried boycotting the place with picket signs, and i did too. nothing really came of it, but we ended up in the road at some point which blocked traffic. my ex best friend and her mom and i went on a road trip to some family's house, it was pretty nice, no close neighbors. we went in and immediately started painting the walls bright pink. i didn't have my own bed and had to either sleep on the floor or with my mom, idr which one i did. after a couple days i was given drawing tasks to draw various animals around the area. so i got one of those disposable cameras to take pictures of them for reference and then hung them on the wall. the first picture i took was an accident, i was walking through an outside hallway, and it was super nice out, the trees had fully orange leaves. i fumbled the camera and took a stupid selfie. the film came out and formed immediately so i saw my stupid face, i decided to keep it. i was disappointed because those cameras have very limited film so i had to be more careful. i ended up taking a picture of some kind of snow/barn owl like animal. i came back and hung the picture up. this younger boy that lived in the house came by and complained, asking why i had to paint everything pink and it was embarrassing. i was like "don't ask me, i didn't paint it" and he went quiet after. then he asked if i wanted to see something cool and i followed him but i couldn't find my hoodie and it took me like 10 minutes to look for it, during which i fell through the floor/wall and into minecraft water, where spongebob characters were seen. i tried to kill spongebob but i couldn't reach him and he disappeared. i eventually got back to the room somehow, and found my hoodie, idk where. we ended up leaving the house and the dream sort of cuts off there, i might've woke up but idr. it then continued where an ex friend of mine and i were in the car with her mom driving. i had a bunch of stuff packed. we stopped at a cool treehouse, i was asked if i had a book to hold a side of it up better and i looked through my backpack to find one. they said preferably pink, and i didn't think i had one but i did, it had a white horse on the cover. i gave it to them and they put it under the treehouse to stabilize it. i do not remember much after that.

my dream last night
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when some kid complains about the walls being pink and wants to show you something cool and you end up fighting spongebob in bikini bottom, smh hate when that happens
ugh ikr
by vesper !!; ; Report