I skipped school yesterday to go thrifting! Arter all I deserve some happiness in life (again (>_<。) ). I visited 3-4 thrift stores only to find... NOTHING! I spent 4 hours wandering around, just to find that everything I liked was not my size! What the heck!(╬◣д◢)!! I only got chupa chups CD for 20 cents, only because I liked how it looked. Oh well
Thrift stores, thrift stores, thrift STORES!
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sameeeee the second hand shops near me are EMPTY, especially the guy's section for some reason? i thought my local op shop was female-only bc all the mens clothes were hidden in a corner and there was nothingggggg. also really hard to find shoes in my size, im too big for most women's sizes and too small for most men's sizes QwQ i ended up with one shirt and my sister brought home a new wardrobe Xp pretty fun nonetheless.
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It happens to me a lot. At least in your town/city there are charity shops or second-hand shops. In my city, there are second-hand shops with very overpriced clothes and very lame CDs and videogames (they are cheap though, not as cheap as 20 cents but they are like a dollar each).
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So sorry to hear that, it must be really annoying(¬_¬) It is nice to have many second hand/thrift stores, most of them are also overpriced or just awful quality SHEIN clothes (@_@;). But there are not many CD and video games option either. They had like some classical music and 2 giant boxes of Pope's holy mass, which you could buy each for 20 cents if you bought at least 10. Who need that much videos of Pope's holy mass anyway?
by Biscuit; ; Report