Ima make this quick and ima make this brief (watch me yap for the next hour while typing this) but anyways, Hi, Driana here, and I’m BAVK! SORTA! MAYBE? idk and I don’t WANNA DIE! WOOHOO!! And that life has been slowly but surely been getting better so dw chat im fineee everything’s okay I won’t commit suicide. And stuff for my future is looking bright :] im glad!! Im def goin to college and have some back up plans soooo thats settled :3 my mom chilled out after I told her I wanna die and now I have a neurodivergent schedule for the day to help me get shi done until I get my meds, and have time where I can have my moments without being interrupted. And for some reason, after all of this, it’s like I felt a shift in the universe..I felt calm, relaxed, finally free. Like my past is no longer me anymore, and the future is the only thing that matters and I’m so excited for of the colleges I wanna go to is in Atlanta and I even got family there so that’s reassuring, BUT THEY ALSO SAID THEY WANT ME TK VISIT IN JANUARY!! My mom explained how my grades are shit and so is my gpa, but that I’m so so creative in everything else I want to do and achieve in. And how I struggle with neurodivergence and depression and yet I still wanna excel with my writing and drawings and be famous—due to this fact, they said they want me to visit and they wanna hear MY STORY. They wanna hear my struggles and what I went thru to get to where I am now, they wanna accept me. I feel seen. Idek what I’d say tbh 😭😭 “erm I’m Dri, I’m trans and I wanna die sometimes!!” Idfk, I’ll know when I know ig 💀 I feel proud of myself, things are really looking up. I did this. And I’m glad. I can live my life finally. I’m closer and closer to gaining the true taste of youthful freedom, and I’ve never been happier with that thought. I can’t wait! I’m not worried what others think of me they’re all my past..I’m focused on ME and how to live out MY DREAMS BITCH. and even when I have my moments I will fucking triumph no matter fucking what bc I’m mother fuckjnh Driana V tailor and I’m pretty damn great 😼 that’s all folks…see ya next time whenever that is LMAO hopefully soon pookies dw, love you always, Driana

Life update,things are looking up/missed yall 😞✌️
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