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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping


Thought I’d make a collection of my scene/emo “fashion icons” and share with you guys!! I will probably make a part 2 to this in the future so sub to my blog if you wanna look out for that ^_^

1. Max Green - Former bassist of Escape The Fate

Transition goals… Max is walking proof you don’t need a side part to be emo! From his sick shirts and snakebites to his iconic zebra pants - he is most definitely a fashion icon in my books. Even now, he didn’t lose his swag as he got older. Let’s go Max!!!!!

2. Sonny Moore/Skrillex - DJ & Former lead vocalist of From First To Last

Cute kandi kid in the Clandestine!!! I wonder how many Skrillex listeners know that before the side-shave and plaid shirts he was waltzing through warped tour in band tees XD 

My style is probz the most similar to his 

3. Danny Worsnop - Former lead vocalist of Asking Alexandria

Side bang is LETHAL!!!! I take pose inspo and oufit inspo from his selfies. I wanna raid his closet soooo badly, he has the kewlest shirts/vests ^_^

4. Oli Sykes - Lead vocalist of Bring Me The Horizon

Local king (he’s from somewhere close 2 me)!! I’m not the hugest BMTH fan but I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t love Oli EVEN IF YOU’RE A KELLIN FAN, SQUASH THE BEEF. He’s such a fun dude with the sickest style, just check da tats :p

5. Jacky Vincent - Best guitarist of all time Former guitarist of Falling In Reverse 

*pictures are not working sobs*

SICK ASS HAIR, SICK ASS BANDANAS, INSANE RIFFS, KING OF DOUBLE DENIM. That’s Jacky Vincent for ya ladies, gentlemen & da ppl that don’t gaf!!!!!! 

6. Spanky - Lead vocalist of Dot Dot Curve

HUUUUUGE credits to Spanky, so many of my outfits are inspired by him! He is the No.1 Scene King IMO + the king of shutter shades B)

7. Se7en - Former vocalist of Brokencyde

Heh see what I did there.. I <3 BC13! All the memberz are sick AF but Se7en is my totally my fav even tho he left in 2022. The black+blond hair is suuuuper iconic, he could be included just for that!! 


8. Patrick Stump - Lead vocalist of Fall Out Boy

Okok I know he’s not exactly emo but I’m autistic and hyperfixated on FOB so let me include him!!!!!!! Don’t you hate it when someone thinks you’re basic for wearing a tshirt, trucker hat and bootcut jeans but they don’t know you’re wearing it in a prehiatus P. Stump way… no?… just me?…. awh

9. Johnnie Guilbert - Content creator & Musician

Hate him all you want, he’s been a fashion icon for decadezzz! Plus, he knows how to turn other ppl emo too.. well spirit halloween costume versions of emo. LET’S GO CHRIS DREW JOHNNIE!!!!

I’m gonna end this @ nine cuz that’s my fav number. Thx 4 taking the time 2 read my blog!! I hope u enjoyed checking out these fashion icons ^_^

Who would you include? 

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