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OKAY OKAY, BABES! Here we go, get your seat belts on and turn on your edit audios that make you wanna take revenge!

So, yesterday, my mother was going out to my big cousin’s birthday. I didn’t have to go (thank god). I told her, “Haha, good! I did NOT wanna do anything today, especially since I work now. I just wanna decompress.

”Oh right let me give you this little piece of information:

I work as a teacher in an after school program at my old elementary school.

Now, continuing:

Then my sister comes home, she was out with her co-worker. She says, “Okay! Get dressed!”

And I said, “No, I’m not going anywhere.” She said, “Pleaaase?” And then I said no again. She got quiet, sat on the couch and looked at me.

Little did I know she texted Mom before I said no. She told me she texted her and I told her to tell Mom that I had said no.

WELL GUESS WHAT?! My mom said, “She has to go.” My sister even tried calling her!

No answer bc she was busy ofc. Now I was mad and told my sister in a grumble, “I literally had a self care day planned and she had to ruin it for me.” My sister apologized, poor soul…I love my sister so much LOL.

Then! When we were going out, driving to meet our childhood friend, I WASN’T EVEN ALLOWED TO BE AT THE PLACE BC I’M A MINOR. Mind you, we were gonna do Putt Putt. I hate golf, mini golf, anything of the sort. It’s boring to me.

The guy working there letting us in because our childhood friend tried to lie (Not a good liar at all, she’s too pure hearted for that)..Poor guy was just tryna do his job XD.

Now, today, Mom asked “Are you mad at me?”

I nodded, not looking at her- AND YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DOES? She LAUGHS and says, “Sorry I don’t mean to laugh. You just need human interaction.”

UHM…EXCUSE ME? I ALREADY GET ENOUGH HUMAN INTERACTION: I volunteer at church, I work at a school and have normal chats with my coworkers. No need to make me overstimulated for no damn reason!


Like whaaat?!

She’s done this too many times! She has pushed me into uncomfortable situations like in the past, forcing me to go to youth groups on Wednesdays at church, which I had an anxiety attack when I lost my sister and some people were looking at me funny.

Who does that to there child, dawg?!?!?!

Idk bout you, but when I move out, I for sure ain’t gonna be texting her when I’m in trouble.

Thank ya for listening, cuties~♥

I’m here for you too, IM me if ya need to <3

XOXO - Rean

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