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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Jade's ghost stories chapter 1

I left this comment under someones elses post earlier and I thought it was interesting enough to be its own post. I honestly have so many stories of unexplainable things happening to me and my family, seeing stuff, ghosts all that jazz. So here's one that was pretty recent from this winter. 


I work on my grandma’s farm, and sometimes when she has to go out of town, I stay at her house to take care of the animals. Sometimes, my aunt and uncle, who live next door, ask me to watch their dogs too. This usually means I either bring the dogs over to my grandma’s house, or I let them out and feed them.

One time, I got busy and wasn’t able to bring their dogs over until about 9 PM, and by then it was already really dark. There’s a hill you have to walk over to get to their house, and when you’re standing in the low part of the hill, you can see the pond and the woods behind it.

As I was walking with Sam, my grandma’s dog, he suddenly started barking and growling like crazy at the woods. I pointed my flashlight in that direction to see what was there and hopefully scare it off. I saw a pair of eyes close to the ground, and at first, I thought it was just a coyote. I started walking toward it and yelling to scare it away, so I wouldn’t have to deal with it later. Normally, Sam would follow me and try to chase it off, but this time he wouldn’t move any closer. That should have been a sign something was wrong, because Sam is a big dog and usually has no problem going after animals.

As I got closer to the pond, the thing moved closer too, but it didn’t run away like coyotes usually do. It stayed far enough that I couldn’t see what it was, just its eyes reflecting in the light. At that point, I thought about going back to get the shotgun and my uncle’s dogs, because it was too close to the barn. Then, this thing STOOD UP. The eyes went from being low to the ground to up in the air, like a person standing. It had to be about 5 feet tall.

That’s when Sam stopped barking and started whimpering. I felt this intense fear, like I was in real danger. It’s hard to explain, but I’ve never been so scared in my life. I ran as fast as I could back to my grandma’s house, and I swear I heard something running after me.

That night, I tried to sleep in my grandma’s room where all the guns were, and Sam stayed in the breezeway. I could hear him bark and whine off and on through the night.

The next morning, I went to check on the animals, and some of our chickens were completely torn apart. They weren’t just eaten, they were destroyed. I sent pictures to my grandma and told her what happened, but she thought it was just a rabid fox or coyote. When I told her the thing stood up, she said I was imagining it because she’s never seen anything like that. My uncle’s cameras don’t reach that far, so all they saw was me standing there and then running.

I’ve been on that property for almost half my life, and I’ve never experienced anything like that before. Now, every time I go into the woods, I feel like I’m being watched. I used to meditate, practice tarot, and even do spells there because it always felt peaceful, but now it’s different. It’s like the place is dead—no deer, no birds, no frogs. Even my grandma noticed. And Sam won’t go near those woods anymore either.

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