I love cats so I had to make a blog about them hehe I own a cat, her name is Cora and put her photos here so that all of you can adore her with me. Anyways I'm pretty much just going to share my thought on those silly creatures plus add some cool facts about them that I read yesterday.
Cats are very interesting, they spend 12-16 hours a day sleeping and about 1/3 of their waking time grooming. As you can see they're very busy creatures, which explains why Cora has no time to show me any affection :') Talking about, cats are considered to be very individualistic, some people even say that cats don't love their owners but let's be real, that's just not true. Not only has it been proved that kitties do have attachment to their owners, they literally think that we are cats. Yeah, they don't recognize humans as a different species, for them we are just like them. It's funny because when we leave our house cats think we're going hunting, so when we come back with no food they probably assume we are awful hunters.
There are many cool things about cats, for example, they have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents. I'm not even sure how that works but it must be great lol. Also, cats can actually be left or right pawed and about 40% of them are. Male cats are more likely to be left-pawed, while female cats are more likely to be right-pawed. I had no idea about this one and I think it's really cool for some reason. House cats share about 95% of their DNA with tigers, which makes sense. Cats are cats, small or big, they all act the same. Did ya'll know that cheetahs can meow? I'll put a link down below so that you guys can hear too
So yeah I love cats a lot (in case you guys haven't noticed)
Now enjoy some pictures of Cora
And here's the video I was talking about:
That's all, thanks for reading :DD
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