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Category: Games

My Shiny Pokemon Documented


So I plan on documenting all my shinnies i get here. Hopefully I will be able to remember to log them as i get them on here. I probably wont retro actively post shinnies. Except this first entry that I caught last night.

I caught shiny poochyena last night after 1062 REs(random encounters) super under odds for Pokemon Saphire (full odds in gen 3 is 1/8192). I got her doing a lvl.100 challange trying to get my zubat to 100 by using pick up and grinding in the first area that allows wild encounters.
I was super Lucky to get her, considering the kinda lame other options for the area.

Leela (named after my Puppy), Caught on 10/19/2024 after 1062 RE

The Leela in question
She's just a girl, and she's only 3. her favorite food is cheese. she has anxiety because of her past but she is getting better with it everyday. and she is my shadow lol. she even comes with me to work.

Was grinding Leela until lvl.100 or until I got my next shiny and welp wouldn't you know it a shiny wurmple appeared. Marika the shiny wurmple showed up a few hundred encounters after Leela. This is my best guess, seeing as how i wasnt 
really planning on getting a shiny so quit. Or well dedicating and real time to hunting for the next target in that area. Which would of course been Lotad or Raltz, but i like silly lotad a bit more. esp since i have quite a few shiny raltz line in newer gen games. Anyway im ramblinh, i was watchinh this Shinmegami Tensei movie while Marika showed up, hence the name Marika, after this demon hunter ninja in the movie. Oh right the name of the movie is Tokyo Revelations. Or something along those lines(lol Xp ). Iv been really into going through my VHS collection recently. i don't know what it is about fall that makes me want to watch .my retro anime and shiny hunt. But is there anything better than that. i don't think so.

Anyway here is Marika, caught at like 8ish on 10/24/2024

Said Movie in question, not sure if this is a promotional poster or fan art. But totally the vibes of the movie for sure, if you like weird slightly erotic horror/action anime totally check it out. but don't if you're under the age of 18. that's bad!! NO NO NO

Oh right totally should show who this shiny wurmple is named after, this is the super cool Marika
or well as cool as a demon hunter anime girl in a 40 minute ova put in for sex appeal could be right. Her look is super cool for sure though. she's the bad girl in the high school who showed up to her first day of home room late and get this....she rides a motor cycle. She's a rude girl for sure. also these are like the only 2 pics of her that i could find with just a quick google search like what the flip interwebz.

0 Kudos


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