-I WILL be offline a ton of time, i forget to enter this web :P
-PLEASE tell me if you need me to use tone indicators! I try to use them all of the time but i sometimes forget, telling me will help me remember it more i think. (I dont use /hf, i honestly think its kind of useless.)
-I wont talk about religion unless you ask me first, so if youre worried about that dont be ^___^
-I use normal emojis like: 😀, 👍 , etc and the ones that are like: :), :P , etc.
-Please tell me if anything that i like is problematic and the reason, i will look into it more later.
-I have a ton of spelling mistakes sorry for that ( ╯︿╰).
-If youre curious about my OCs and/or art, please ask! I´d love to talk about it :D
-Please ask in wich episode/part of the game im at before you talk about any spoiler, ill do the same so we both dont get spoiled ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
-Youre younger than 13 or 18 or older.
-You ship minorxadult
-You say that anything its cringe, thinking it its okay, just dont tell me.
-You support problematic people/groups (pirating games or not listening to their music directly from their page isnt supporting them!)
-You are transphobic, homophobic, etc.. You know, basic dni things.
-You are going to give me a dry answer, if you dont want to talk just dont answer me.
-You hate on creators that havent done anything. Not liking them or they creations is okay, but sending threats or insults is just stupid.
-You use insults about as a joke too much, one or two times in one conversation its okay but i dont find it funny so please dont do it often.
-If you dont have your interests in your profile.. Sorry, but i dont know what to talk about with people who dont share interests.. Come back when you do put them in tho!
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I should have done this list a long time before HAHAH
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