I abscond from Briar alongside with Casey and make a run for it, into my pre-algebra class. We then hid from briar and he gets distracted from Sean who beats him to death, he is deadly injured and might die so even though he was a short attention spanned child. I helped him by calling the teachers to save him.
We Casey and i started noticing a team who was catching up, it was the doctor who fan club. So we had to hurry, we hurried toward the finish line. But the doctor who fan club wins and we and the other 14 teams get one of their members eliminated.
i opened the diary again.
12/2/1997 okay so something really really really cool happened, I WENT INTO A RAVE! oh my god it was so much fun, the music the feels the energy, and the fact that everyone loves you is PLURtasic, sorry that's a new word i made up, but still it was so much damn fun. (END OF LOG)
i closed the diary with this new information, i will spread what i found to my teammates. I then went to sleep knowing my mission to stop the administrator will be all for good.
(end of chapter 2)
next one the cult will make an appearance.
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