A lot of people say "It gets better" and expect people who are in the deepest holes of depression to hear that and think "Oh, they're right, I should just be happy!" when in reality it is nearly impossible to see the light when you are that deep. I'd know, I have first hand experience. Being in school caused me so much distress I admitted myself to a mental hospital for weeks, because anywhere was better than school.
If you want to help a depressed person, ask them what's wrong. Tell them they can say anything and you won't judge. Just ask someone if they are okay. Chances are, they will bullshit you and say "I'm fine" but for someone who is in the deepest hellhole of depression, hearing someone sincerely ask if you are doing alright can do wonders for helping adjust their worldview into a more positive light. Sometimes people grow comfortable in the misery and become afraid to push themselves. But if you show them sincerity, and make them feel safe to say what it hurting them, they will have a much easier time leaving the darkness behind. Now, it's not surefire, no two people are the same, but it's hard to understate how much asking someone how they are doing, and engaging with them, can make someone's day.
Thank you for coming to my rant TedTalk blog post.
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To be fair, it does actually get better for many of us eventually, although it usually takes several months of pain and suffering before things really start looking up for us again.
in my case, three or four years. that's why i wanted to make this. for many people, hearing "it gets better" isn't enough. my pain really seemed like it wouldn't ease at times. but i held on, and it's getting better. i'm trying to provide reassurance so that people have an easier time getting to the "better".
by m0rty; ; Report