やっと週末が来たなー 高校三年生活は難しい所があっても大体詰まらないんだ。
it's not such a bad thing to waste time, I'm starting to think. I used to fret about using my time in the best, most efficient way; to do as many interesting and different things as I could. but now I see that there's no rush (likely because I've really disengaged with the rat race), and that I'm allowed to simply be interested in whatever non-taxing thing I'm doing in the present moment.
(such as searching for a decent japanese-language manga to read.)
in fact, it's said that in order for our brains and bodies to receive the rest they need, we ought to spend 42% of our time doing exactly that. about ten hours out of the twenty-four in a day. although I do get enough sleep, I'm finding that resting while awake is a valuable use of my time. I'm realising two things; one, that I hate doing schoolwork at home, and two, I do my work more efficiently on paper. I'm starting to adjust my patterns of study accordingly, spending more time focusing intensely at school on my work so that I can avoid doing it at home (and going crazy).
because I'm trying to focus more on doing my work during school hours, I've been working on not giving into my urges to kill a handful of minutes by browsing through random sites. it's also not such a bad thing to be bored, though I have to practice being bored, as my instinct has always been to find something to do. it's an important part of downtime, actually- it's a sign that my brain's gotten a chance to rest. aside from sitting there and doing nothing, I'm trying to fill this empty time with reading. the other day I borrowed a book on modern japanese culture from the school library with the aim of filling my free time with it, but I'm running into a familiar issue: the chunks of time I have in which I could read it aren't enough to make much headway, and so I end up forgetting what I've read by the time I pick it up again. (as well as the fact that it's not always in front of me, unlike my laptop, on which I can kill time in silly ways) maybe I should just read it anyway ...
ここでは終わり。明日は日帰りに行く事になって、未来の旦那は他の注意を引いてみよう時を見つけるはずそう!じゃあ、また (*・ω・)ノ
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Evanescence, The Blue Lotus
Oh, that's great! I always like to read how people systematize their lives, because it's hard for me to do that (-_-;)・・・
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don't worry, I've had little success ...
doing my work at school to avoid doing homework has been a smash hit strategy though
by kitkatanddog; ; Report