
Growing up. It's silly, to be honest, the idea of no longer waking up to you're mother telling you it's time for school and you're siblings being the usual delinquents is strange but you should be happy shouldn't you? For me it feels horrifying a sense the idea of slowly growing up and out of ripe beautiful fruit but it marks the start of the rot every time you age you get wiser but it marks the closing of your lifetime each time you age it's horrifying to a sense that no matter how much you want to stay young you won't the passage of time never fails and the more you grow the more you get bigger the more you change throughout the years as you grow the more white hairs that show on you're parents the less time that you get as you near the starting point of 'adulthood' it's strange to me you grow and grow but you still miss the sweet innocent you but you can never get that back because it's all in the past you can NEVER relive that time were you were a child you can never go back before you were ten or thirteen you can never get that ever back..because its all gone you never get to be that child back then because you aren't a child anymore you're an old and saggy its horrfies me that I will never get that old nice times again when I was a kid because you can never have it again.

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