Night shift blabbering

in a way, i really enjoy night shift workings.

while i may not really get to be around those i love as much as a dayjob, it's nice to have time to myself to do the things that i want to do, and get paid for it.

however, part of me wonders if i need to start taking vitamins or something

i suppose if i get to the point where its making me sick, i'll just ask my doctor about it.

i do get to cook and eat yummy dinners though, so that's always nice.

it's always really quiet out here at night, all my clients are asleep so i can mostly dick around

i may start learning CSS so i can make things look halfway decent.

or not.

depends on how i feel.

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postbordem's profile picture

I'm sorry but this blog kind of sounded like the opening monologue of a PS1 style horror game about working the night shift #264

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Thanks for that sjkrlzgnfbg i needed the laugh tn

by Well when you put it THAT way...; ; Report