During this I am indeed name dropping, I am NOT making up dumb names through this because I know I’ll slip up.  Now get ready to hear some cool drama I followed inside of
There was a girl Hailey, junior girl in my study hall / lecture hall first period, sat beside me. She would hit up her 22 y/o firefighter bf during class… like… he’s not going to be fighting fires, he’s gonna be fighting in court..
One day she called my lips thin, HATED THAT.  I hated it so much, along with that made a friend of mine cry.  Immediately hated her.  Later she also broke up with her firefighter boy bc idk why.
Now, she had a boyfriend named Braden, he sat behind me during my 5th period Goverment class, super senior who was a junior.  I Hated this boy SO FREAKING MUCH UGHH. Had to be so obnoxious, white boy said the N word but he got over that somehow later down the line. He was a weird ROTC kid who like.. idk he was weird. But they were dating.
Let’s skip to the last marking period of my highschool year, there was a boy named Jay. Jay was a poser imo. Now yes, I hate the word poser. But he brought a skateboard to school even though he didn’t ride it… he carried it around.. like get a life…? Please…?  Now I will also include several screenshots you’ll DROP YOUR JAW AT.  But anywho, they started acting a bit.. flirty… by the way, Hailey is still dating braeden.
Keep in mind I hate braeden.. but we were also friends?.. we were enemies who actually got along somehow.  I would sometimes ask him for help on tasks or ask to copy his notes, but then usually I’d end it with “thanks fuck you weirdo” and he’s shoot the same energy back. We were enemies who still got along?? Idk but I hated him.  After I started seeing Hailey and Jay get flirty.. as much as I hated Braeden, I told him.  I’m not that kinda person to see someone cheat and let the other person be blind. I would do the same for a girl, everyone says I was too in the business.  But imagine if it was you, people saw your s/o flirting with someone else and everyone just kept it to themself when it was obvious??  No. Idc how much I hated him, I cared about him for that.
Let’s go off track here a bit, and go more into my relationship with this Braden guy. I threatened to punch him once, and almost did. I always made fun of him (to myself and my friends, more so gossip. I wasn’t too cruel, though I do feel bad for having been a bitch.)
Sometimes me and him would actually talk together friendly, only after the school year did I realize me and him had moments when we got along, but I always denied it.  One time I stayed after school and watched the track kids practicing,  I noticed someone familiar in the far devils doing pope jumping??? Idk what it is.  At the time i was sitting in the bleachers smoking (this addiction lasted a week I got over it quickly, I don’t do this anymore) when I decided to close my laptop and books to go check it out.  I was leaning on the fence and watching him do pole jumping, just seeing what the sport was, I had no idea what it was so I was trying to see what it was as a sport.  He made eye contact with me and walked up to me, I didn’t walk away bc I didn’t wanna be much of a bitch under the circumstances (you’ll figure out what I mean later, in fact. Let’s go back into it and I’ll resume this part soon)
I once saw on Braden’s computer of him and Haley talking dirty.. I confronted Hailey and she was like “omg hahaha that was my friend in class on my computer” like no bro. Braden near the end of school got his computer taken away and blatantly took accountability when I said why he lost it, like where’s the shame LOL??  I felt bad for him in a way, his parents wouldn’t even let him have a phone, the internet, I feel he was neglected. Made me feel like that’s why he was the way he was, I felt bad and hoped he would meet someone who would help him.  Yea, I felt bad for him.
Going back, at some point Braeden broke up with her, and he told me about it. Randomly I’m walking in the halls and I see this THING walk up to me and stop me at the empty staircase ( I was leaving the nurse for my medication during lunch, and I suppose he was roaming around too, we had the same lunch)
He stopped me and told me I was right all along, and I quote: I said: “no fucking duh, I had evidence you wouldn’t see”. He was all like “true”. He was very calm and cooperative when we got along, he would agree with me sometimes and when we got along he was kind, right now he was kind. I never did ask him why he refused to accept my evidence, and I wish I did ask bc I’m genuinly so freaking curious.  Now, Hailey later said they were on a break when she was messaging Jay.. like no bro you WERENT btw. AND THE FUNNIEST THING WVER SHE SAID “Cheating is his boundary, I wouldn’t break that” like no DUH that’s a boundary, THATS BASIC SENSE. Jay also later said he had no idea she was taken, which by the way he DID know.  Like okay.
Going back to the field track; he came up to me, both of us divided by the fence of the field, I didn’t walk away because I knew he just left a miserable relationship, and I wanted to know what the weirdo had to say. “What are you doing here?” Was what he asked, or something like that, I shrugged and explained I was waiting to be picked up and I was studying on the bleachers. He never mentioned it; but I knew he could smell the smoke from my now burnt cigarette.  I could tell he could smell it, surprised he said nothing.  I don’t remember the rest of the interaction, but I was extremely short and ended with him resuming to train with his coach and another girl doing pole jumping.
Later in class the next day he confronted me again and asked again why I was there, and I told him I already explained. Idk it’s like he didn’t beleive me.
Now, last day of school: I asked to sign his year book. It was something like:
“Thanks for letting me copy your notes, you’re kind chill but fuck you annoying ass”
Again, it was something like that. And he said “that’s not the worst thing someone wrote” but I knew he was joking bc only two ppl signed it and it was names.  I felt kinda bad, but also I didn’t bc he kinda knew I was joking, I kinda was but at the same time I kinda hated him.
I’ll update this with thing I remeber down the line, but that’s the drama. SCREENSHOTS WILL BE COMING LATER
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