Born October 6th 1961 in Lyubich,Ukraine. Jax Lenora’s little eyes opened into dim light and plenty of faces, Born inside the very Circus they’d grow up and work in. Crying those first tears to get their lungs into gear, many of those covered their ears. They cannot remember much outside of the shadowy faces of others at the circus but they can recall when life began to get rough, at the age of two they were performing small tricks that seemed so grand on such a tiny body. Double jointed,Stretching their small feeble limbs behind their back in ways that would hurt even the strongest of men. Behind the scenes their small bones reset and pulled out of place by their parents to keep the ever performing ruse going, the heinous act was one out of love. Knowing those who could not perform did not belong in the circus and those who could, were not allowed to leave. They’d grow up,stretching and breaking parts like a doll to fit the crowds sinister views of entertainment. They always wondered whether or not the people watching the circus knew how terrible it was, if the feeling of joy and entertainment they got would always be more worth the injuries and damage behind the countless costumes and cracked bones. In a sick ironic way all this stress on the body made it both stronger and weaker. The pain after performances is grand compared to before but there is no need to stretch too far or break limbs. Jax could do these things naturally now with the consequence of often being stuck in bed or using some form of mobility aid. They hold a resentment for their home,family,where they work and everything else about it but they bury it deep behind the masks. Turning to a long cigarette and a drink back in their room where nobody could see, one of the little times they would have privacy all though not much. They push their dreams and ambitions through their performances. The way that they bend and shine up in the air has gained them the show name “The angel in the air”. The cheers and screams of others are the closest they’ll ever get to being free.
Face& attire claims
The circus
Nobody knows when the circus opened up, it just was. Travelling around the world showing off the “freaks” that the ringmaster had gathered from every continent, or at least that’s what he would say and so would his son and their son and beyond. For all anyone knew the Circus had been there for all of time, the intriguing name of “nikinekgowin” most just refer to it as Gowin circus. Wherever it appears it’s set up over night, nobody ever sees anyone working but the Large set up that often takes up football fields or more is always ready in no time. Full of all kinds of people and plenty of games to play, it is also home to the performers, Teens often sneaking past fences to throw things at the doors labelled with Performer’s names. Most have the stronger folk hammer in some extra wood to keep their doors from breaking, Workers make less than dimes to the dollars the higher ups make but they’re kept out of the government's laws and shames. Often having their needs funded and supplied by nikinekgowin itself.
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