For me, all of these things go together.
Also, these four are one of the most important things that keep and make the life of society.
The artworks of our national artists, the buildings that the architects of our history designed, the culture that our ancestors were raised on and lived by- all of these make up our heritage, once they pass on to our history.
Our heritage is what tells the story that is our culture. The artworks we make is a direct window to it.
There is something beautiful about it all.
In my country (the Philippines), while heritage is becoming a quite big topic (recent movements, television shows and published works are pushing it closer and closer to the mainstream), it is still neglected within Manila in the name of a toxic form of progress.
...Do not get me wrong- I acknowledge that progress is important. The problem is that it is too one-sided- other aspects that should have been taken into account are completely thrown out of the window.
Also, I recognize that the built heritage we have is a complete mix of western and colonial influences mixed with our own vernacular. But it does not mean that we should completely wipe it out/not preserve it because it is a reminder of our dark past.
It should be the opposite- we should be proud of it. We should not forget that they were the witnesses to the lives our grandparents and ancestors live; they felt the steps of the people before us, they heard the voices and the words of the people who once stepped there...
They may be just buildings, but these buildings were the silent witnesses to the history that made up our country. No matter how bad or good, they were there, standing silently as a witness to everything.
We should be proud of it because it is a testament to the strength and unity we had as Filipinos.
As a Filipina who makes artworks, I tend to focus on our built heritage because
- Manila's heritage is DYING. Something needs to be done to make people more aware and knowledgeable about it.
- I hope that with my reach in my art accounts, I can make us people more appreciative about the beauty they exude in a healthy way.
- I aim to spark a new level of awareness and a cultural revival with my and other people's artworks.
- They are our 'pamana' after all. Heritage is art, too. They should be cherished and appreciated so the next generation can see these witnesses to the blood, sweat and tears that our ancestors shed.
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Reimar obeda
Yey may filipino rin akong nakita UwU
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by Chaeyeon Lee; ; Report