DAY #4 of 7: Lower Body Pull Day

How's it hangin, I finished my lower body pull day, working out the calves (because I forgot yesterday :/), hamstrings, abs, obliqes, and hip abductor muscles. A common thread throughout today's exercise was just general discomfort. I don't know if it's due to inexperience working these muscles, bad form, or weak muscles, but half of the exercises did not feel good at all when reaching failure. 

The only exercise I felt good working with was the oblique exercise, the side bend; as well as the hip abductor. If I want to enjoy these workouts, I definitely need to find something that feels better for me because these exercises were just not good. The one thing is there doesn't seem to be any replacement for is the leg curl. That just burns like crazy. Something too with the ab crunches was that I had no frame of reference for what a successful contraction was supposed to feel like, so I couldn't tell if I was reaching failure or not. I could keep on crunching but I just could not tell if the reps were keeping the same range of motion or not, so at which point I reached failure is completely lost on me.

Anyways, here are my stats:

Standing Calf Raise
10 reps 2x45lbs
10 reps 2x90lbs
10 reps 2x135lbs near failure
7 reps 2x150lbs to failure
6 reps 2x180lbs to failure

Seated Leg Curl
10 reps 80lbs near failure
8 reps 90lbs to failure
4 reps 95lbs to failure

Weighted Ab Crunches
10 reps no weight
10 reps 10lbs
7 reps 15lbs to failure
5 reps 10lbs to failure (??)

Hip Abductor
10 reps 90lbs
9 reps 150lbs to failure
8 reps 170lbs to failure
5 reps 200lbs (max weight) to failure

Oblique Side Bend
10 reps both sides 25lbs
10 reps both sides 40lbs
10 reps both sides 60lbs

Stair Machine
11 minutes total
30 seconds on 90 seconds off
On Speed = 14
Off Speed = 5
5 sprints total
Last sprint was set at 20 speed
Avg heartrate: ~170bpm
Max heartrate: 186bpm
Wii Pointer #1 Tilt Normal

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