Been a decent past few days, found a new style I'm pretty damn happy with. I've only done three pieces so far but I intend on doing more. Schoolwork is starting to stack up, I really gotta do some of our tomorrow. Got no school on Monday the 14th cause it's indigenous people's day. Lowkey really excited to see all the art posted for it.
My mood has been pretty consistent by I think I might get a bit a of a drop as winter rolls around. I'm someone who really loves being outside and surrounded by foliage and life. While winter is undoubtibly beautiful in its own right, the lack of greenery has a definite affect on me. Bit afraid of falling into a depressive state if I'm being honest, I'm talking no motivation to engage in activities I love or even leaving my room. I wanna talk to my parents about having family movie/game nights, that way there's still an expected event to avoid falling into an avoiding cycle.
Guess I should also plan some stuff with friends. I've always had some trouble keeping in contact with people. Not because I don't want to but because unless I'm reminded of them I'll just stay in my lane. I'm better about it in recent years but it's still a conscious effort I need to make.
In terms of grades it's a solid mix of A's + B's with a singular thrown in. On one hand I'm not surprised, on the other? Holy fuck. I've never thought of myself as a particular good student but I do technically do the work. It could be going a lot worse and I'm thankful that it ain't.
Still need to return two library books, more like one though since one of my dogs did get a bit anxious and may or may not have chewed on one. Just need to pay the fee, feeling bad about it since I belive it's a really good book and that everyone should have access to it. But now they can't because it's in too rough of condition to be accepted back, I really do hope they can order another copy.
Speaking of paying, just got my first pair of birkenstocks. They were recommended to me as house shoes by a pediatist I went to semi recently. Also getting a new pair of everyday shoes soon but there's something about checking in with the guy before I actually wear them + picking up the custom orthotics.
Alright that's all I got, I'm tired and it's getting late. Went on a long ass walk that made me sleepy as hell.
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