Recently seen movies (Mandy, Train to Busan, Akira, The Thing)

Light spoilers, but barely even

I've found myself bored with video games lately, so I started watching more movies. I recently saw The Thing (the 80's version) and Akira, and they were amazing. The blood testing scene in The Thing was genius, the tension was immense. Akira has incredibly drawn settings, awesome powers with sound explanations, I loved it.Train to Busan was also great, the ending was heart wrenching and each death was impactful. It's easy for zombie movies to just kill characters and not have you care, but attention and thought was put into each death. Some are a bit weird, mainly characters moving their hands weirdly so they can be bitten, but it's excusable. They still managed to write a tear jerker of an ending.

Mandy was good, Nicholas Cage's performance was over the top but likeable. So, y'know, it's a Nicholas Cage movie. The movie starred the intro to Starless by King Crimson, which is actually how I found the movie. I like the title cards and the revenge plot didn't feel at all contrived to me. It has it's funny parts, and it's downright disturbing parts. I'd give it a light 7/10. Oh, I guess I should give the other movies ratings too. I'll put them in a list.

Mandy: Light 7/10

Train to Busan: Strong 9/10

Akira: Light 9/10

The Thing: Light 8/10

I'll throw in movies I don't have time to write in depth about.

The Watchmen: Strong 10/10

Django Unchained: Strong 10/10

Overall, great movies. I'll probably do another blog post later. I plan to see Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill, Resevoir Dogs, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. We'll see how many I get to. Also, leave recommendations!

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